The tablets have to be cleaned! Each week we have been removing some of the older apps. How many apps have you got on your home screens? Are they tidy and organised? How much memory is being used? Settings – storage What’s the difference between system memory, used space and cached data? What shall we […]
Archive | Spring Course 2015
Using the Barmby Moor Boot-IT website
Just about everything to do with a Samsung Galaxy tab is covered on this website. If there’s something you’ve forgotten, you can always search for it.
Settings review
As we approach the end of the Spring Sessions, we can review the Android Settings: You can also extend your settings
Broadband and WiFi revisited
With the coming of fibre to Barmby Moor a re-visit to broadband to refresh everyone will help in any future negotiations you may be having. This was first covered in January 2014. You may experience spped variations at home… how can you determine what the problem really is? Remember that if your router is more […]
Using your camera
Using the camera on the Galaxy Tab is very well explained here. However, each version of Android/tablet may have slight variations in the buttons. Once you have taken your photo you can do a number of things with it, such as editing it and sharing it. You can also have your tablet automatically synchronise your […]

Week 8 – Setting up a recovery email for Gmail
Google encourages you to set a second email address on your gmail account so that if you forget your password it can be reset by sending a link to your alternate email address. Your recovery email is also used to inform you of suspicious activity on your account. However, you cannot do this from the […]
Week 6 – Digital Driving Licence
Last week we had a presentation from Barclays Digital Eagles. This week we will download their app (Barclays Digital Driving LIcence) and register, using the device user email and name (yourflower boot) However, with Spring around the corner, we need to undertake a number of “tidying” tasks on the tablet. we need to check the […]
One Drive on the tablet
Once you hae installed One Drive you will need to access it by tapping on the app. The first time you use it you will be asked to log on – after you have done that once it should remember your user name and password. The options are very straightforward with the ability to create […]

Week 4 – Gmail
Email and attachments In depth gmail on the tablet: You can access your gmail account from any device that can connect to the internet with a browser. On a tablet or a phone there is a special app that provides that access directly. Gmail has different versions which may look or work slightly differently. Which […]

Week 4 – browsers and one drive
Last week we covered browsers in great detail, so today we are going to use some of that new found knowledge! There are a number of websites which are useful for specific tasks or information and to have easy access to them can be beneficial both for saving time and because they are easily forgotten. […]