open the box check the contents do not turn the device on read the manual peel off the front protector – leave the rest turn the device on choose the wifi network and add the password if required check the date and time is correct agree the EULA sign in to samsung – do not […]
Archive | Training Sessions
Know your tablet – widgets
Have a look at the widgets on your tablet. Do you know what they all do? Are there some that you don’t want? Normally widgets are part of an app and so to remove a widget from the system you have to remove the corresponding app. Have you used Google Search and Google Now?
Know your tablet – apps
There are many apps on your tablet that you may not have used yet. Have a look at all of them and see if you know what they each do. Try them all out and then ask if you get stuck. If you think they are not for you, why not delete them? Can you […]
How to take your Galaxy Tab 3 apart and replace the battery
The hardest bit of opening a tablet apart from patience is having the correct tools. You can use many things, but it is best to ensure they are made of plastic. Or buy them for £1.99! You can buy replacement batteries for around £10.00 and now for a soothing video showing how to do it
All about Android… a hard test android trivia questions All about computers… an easy quiz and another and the internet… easy do you know… a quiz on your tablet… try QuizUp Logo Quiz Logo Quiz – World Flags World Map Countries Capitals Trivia Crack
Security and Android Device Manager
Security The more open nature of the Android operating system makes it more susceptible to the kind of malware that we’ve grown accustomed to dealing with on Windows PCs. Although the scale of the Android malware problem isn’t yet as bad as it is on Windows, it remains a threat all the same. The security […]
A questionnaire
As part of the evaluation of its funded programmes East Riding Council is trying to understand how beneficial their funding has been. They are trying to establish this using a methodology called “SROI”. Social return on investment (SROI) is a principles-based method for measuring extra-financial value (i.e., environmental and social value not currently reflected in […]
Back to the Office
Most people are familiar with Microsoft Office or Libre Office. Both of these suites of computer programs offer specific tools to write (word processing), manipulate and show figures (spreadsheets), make presentations (e.g. powerpoint) and undertake other tasks normally assoicated with working in an office. The most important tool is probably the word processor which allows […]
Google Hangouts
Google Hangouts is a way of communicating with people via instant messaging, video chat, SMS and VOIP. It has been designed to bring all the communication tools into one place. It may already be installed on your device, if not, go to the play store and install it. Then go through the different explanation screens. You can add […]
File Explorer
Please install file explorer on your tablet and then do the tutorial. Now locate all the documents and photos on the device. try moving them, copying them and deleting them (well, one of them).